Test megaload crosses pass into Montana

Associated Press
May 5, 2011

MISSOULA, Mont. – A huge test module that Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil is hauling from Idaho into Canada has crossed into Montana and arrived at Lolo Hot Springs.

The test shipment left a spot at the base of Lolo Pass just after 1 a.m. MDT Wednesday and arrived at the top of Lolo Pass at 1:38 a.m. The Idaho Department of Transportation said the load waited until 2:30 a.m. to enter Montana, per a state requirement.

The test megaload is designed to match the tallest, longest and widest of the huge loads proposed to be hauled on U.S. Highway 12 from Lewiston, through northwestern Montana to an oil sands project in Alberta.

Imperial Oil spokesman Pius Rolheiser told the Missoulian newspaper the load will remain at Lolo Hot Springs until it has a permit to move through Montana.