Congressman Mike Simpson's Energy & Salmon Concept

Representative Mike Simpson unveiled a $33+ billion infrastructure and community investment proposal that would breach the four dams on the lower Snake River and reorder most of the fish, energy, and commodity transportation systems of the Pacific Northwest.

The proposal's timeline sees the Lower Granite Dam being breached in the summer of 2030, with the breaching of Little Goose, Lower Monumental and Ice Harbor dams to follow.

The Port of Lewiston's Response to Congressman Simpson's Proposal

The Port of Lewiston has long supported the multi-use benefits of the Columbia Snake River System.  Congressman Simpson’s proposal to end salmon litigation by breaching the four Lower Snake River Dams does little to restore abundant fish runs.  His proposal throws billions of tax-payer dollars at unproven ideas and provides no explanation on how his ideas would be implemented.

We hope Congressman Simpson will join with leaders throughout Idaho and support sound salmon recovery measures such as those recently outlined in Governor Little’s Salmon Work Group.  The Port is in discussion with the Congressman on his proposal.