RFQ for Port Engineering and Architectural Services, SOQs accepted through May 24, 2018




In accordance with Idaho Statute §67-2320, the Port of Lewiston is announcing its projected requirements for engineering, construction management, surveying and architectural services for small and mid-sized projects for a period of three years effective June 1, 2018 – June 31, 2021.  The required services may include, but are not limited to:  architectural, civil engineering (utilities, street, rail, water, stormwater, sewer systems and fiber optic lines), business and industrial park development, land surveying, geotechnical investigations, marine and waterfront development, construction management and inspection services.

Immediate project needs required by the Port of Lewiston:

  • Development of a phased construction plan and infrastructure improvements at the Port’s 13-acre Confluence Riverfront site. Improvements may include a RV park and marine docks.

Interested firms are asked to submit Statements of Qualifications and performance data.  It is the firms’ responsibility to verify whether or not their qualifications are on file.  The Port reserves the right to discard qualifications which have not been updated within three years.  Submittals will be kept on file and used, if needed, to select qualified consultants of particular projects as the need arises.  Interviews may be held depending upon project requirements.  The Port reserves the right to select a consultant without interview.

Consultants will be selected from those with qualifications on file unless a separate request for qualifications is made by the Port for a specific project or projects.  Inquiries from minority and women owned business enterprises are encouraged.

Statements of Qualifications will be accepted until 5:00 PM, Thursday, May 24, 2018, to:

Attn:  David Doeringsfeld, Manager
1626 6th Avenue North
Lewiston, ID  83501

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