Ports urge designation of the Lewis-Clark Valley AVA, April 12, 2016


Port of Lewiston & Port of Clarkston News Release
For Immediate Release
April 12, 2016

David Doeringsfeld, Port of Lewiston Manager
(208) 743-5531
[email protected]

Wanda Keefer, Port of Clarkston Manager
(509) 758-5272
[email protected]

Ports urge designation of the Lewis-Clark Valley AVA

(Lewiston, ID & Clarkston, WA) –The Ports of Lewiston (Idaho) and Clarkston (Washington) sent a letter this week urging the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to move forward with designating the Lewis-Clark Valley American Viticultural Area and to quickly publish the AVA in the Federal Register.

“An AVA designation is a testimony to the high-quality of wine grapes grown in our region,” said David Doeringsfeld, Port of Lewiston manager. “The official designation will help us promote our region as a wine tourism destination.”

The AVA designation has been in the works for years, with the comment period closing on the final application nearly a year ago. Economic development leaders expected the official designation to come sooner.

“The delay in designating the AVA has already required adjustments in grant resources and is having an adverse effect on potential economic growth in the region,” said Wanda Keefer, Port of Clarkston manager.

The Ports have supported establishment of the AVA. Both ports lease property to wineries and have made financial and staff investments to move the initiative forward. Also, the Ports exist to help grow businesses. Business success for wineries and grape-growers is being hampered by this delay.

In urging action on the designation, the Ports also wish to thank the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for their hard work and due diligence.

“We appreciate the time and attention the Bureau has given to this designation and I know we will all be celebrating once this designation is published,” said Keefer.


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