Port of Lewiston Economic Impact Study Available

On October 22, 2014, the Port Commission reviewed a report measuring the cumulative impact the Port of Lewiston has as a multi-modal, multi-dimensional, economic development agency titled  “Port of Lewiston’s Economic Impacts on the Regional Economy” prepared by Steve Peterson, Clinical Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Business and Economics at the University of Idaho.

Key findings highlighted from the report include the following impacts:

  • 1,840 DIRECT JOBS (2,736 direct and indirect regional jobs)
  • $390 Million annually in direct regional spending/sales transactions
  • $1=$8.80 Return on Investment for every taxpayer dollar received by the Port
  • $3.97 Million generated annually in local tax revenues by firms located on Port-owned or developed properties

Additionally, approximately 53% of total direct Port-related jobs are in basic manufacturing or high technology production.  The Port has been instrumental in enhancing the manufacturing base of the Quad County region at a time when the broader state and regional economies were facing manufacturing decline.

Please click here to view a full copy of the report “Port of Lewiston’s Economic Impacts on the Regional Economy”.