Terminal Tariff Naming: Rules and Regulations Governing Port Services and Privileges Throughput & Other Terminal Charges and Rates
Applying at The Port of Lewiston Container Yard at Lewiston, Idaho, County of Nez Perce
By Authority of the Port of Lewiston Commission Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Effective: January 1, 2009, revised Oct. 8, 2014, revised Sept. 1, 2017, revised Jan. 1, 2020, revised Jan. 1 2022
Tariff No. 004
Naming rates, charges rules and regulations governing Port and Terminal Services and privileges at the Port of Lewiston, County of Nez Perce, State of Idaho. Note: This Tariff is filed electronically with the FMC under ATFI.
By Authority of the Port of Lewiston Commission
Lewiston, Idaho 83501