Lewis-Clark Valley AVA established, April 19, 2016


For Immediate Release
April 19, 2016
Contact: Tom Hogue (202) 453–2180

TTB Establishes the Lewis–Clark Valley Viticultural Area and Realigns the Columbia Valley Viticultural Area

Washington, D.C. — On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) will publish a final rule in Federal Register establishing the “Lewis–Clark Valley” American viticultural area (27 CFR 9.256), in portions of Nez Perce, Lewis, Clearwater, and Latah Counties in Idaho and Asotin, Garfield, and Whitman Counties in Washington. In this final rule, TTB is also modifying the boundary of the existing Columbia Valley viticultural area (27 CFR 9.74) to eliminate a partial overlap with the new Lewis–Clark Valley viticultural area. As a result of this boundary modification, the Lewis–Clark viticultural area will not contain, be located within, or overlap any other viticultural area.

TTB is issuing this regulation in response to a petition submitted on behalf of the Palouse–Lewis Clark Valley Wine Alliance and the Clearwater Economic Development Association. TTB designates viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase.

This final rule will be effective on May 20, 2016. The public may view the rulemaking record for the Lewis–Clark Valley viticultural area on the “Regulations.gov” website (https://www.regulations.gov) within Docket No. TTB–2015–0005. Copies of the relevant rulemaking documents and a link to the Regulatons.gov docket may be found on the TTB website at https://www.ttb.gov.

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