The incubator program helps start-up manufacturing businesses by providing structured lease rates to qualifying tenants.
Tenant selection criteria is listed below:
- The business should produce a product.
- The business should be ready to begin production.
- Business owners will be interviewed to determine if he or she has developed a sound business plan.
- Consideration will be given to the number of jobs created by the business and the potential for job growth.
Terms of the lease agreement vary from tenant to tenant, but common elements include:
- A three-year lease is usually the initial term.
- The Port will work with the business to construct improvements necessary for their specific requirements.
- Tenants are not required to move out of the incubator building after the initial lease period, but will be required to pay market rate for the continued lease.
The incubator suites vary in size with the minimum spaces just under 1,500 sq. ft.
All suites are:
- Equipped with overhead door
- Furnished with a restroom
- Within city limits
- Served by city water, sewer/wastewater, solid waste disposal
- Near US Hwy 95 and Hwy 12
Lessee is responsible for their own phone, security, internet and Avista meters associated with their own suite requirements. Lessees share in solid waste disposal and some utilities for the facility. The business must meet all City of Lewiston business and occupancy standards and operate a compatible business to the neighboring suites. The Port Commission must publicly approve lease agreements.
The Port of Lewiston recently completed renovations to the Incubator Building, located at 1708 6th Ave N. For consideration to enter the program, please mail your business plan and contact information to the Port office:
Scott Corbitt
Port Manager
1626 6th Avenue N
Lewiston, ID 83501