Megaload waiting in Montana for its mate
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The first ConocoPhillips megaload shipped from the Port of Lewiston has made it to Montana.
According to the Idaho Transportation Department, the oversized load reached the Idaho-Montana border at about 11:45 p.m. Friday night and continued its journey along U.S. Highway 12 approximately eight miles into Montana. The load left milepost 169 in Idaho at approximately 10 p.m.
The half-drum will wait just inside the Montana border for a second half-drum to arrive from Lewiston before starting a two-week trip to Billings.
Traffic along the route was minimal Friday night, the ITD said, and the transport encountered five westbound vehicles and two eastbound vehicles while traveling in Idaho.
The schedule for the second, third and fourth shipments has not yet been established, the department said.
ConocoPhillips has established a toll-free information line – updated daily at noon – for reports on the shipment. The number is (866) 535-0138.