Disposal of Surplus Property Policy

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In accordance with Idaho Statute, 67-5732A, the Port of Lewiston Commission has set forth and adopts the following policy and process to efficiently dispose of personal property by the Port of Lewiston, and to allow conveyance of personal property for sale to the public at large and to provide for maximum value:

THEREFORE, The Port of Lewiston adopts the following policy to dispose of surplus property:

Based upon action at a public meeting by the Port of Lewiston commission declaring items(s) as surplus property and no longer needed for Port District purposes, surplus property will be offered to the public and sold to the highest responsible bidder. Notice of such sale shall be published in the Lewiston Tribune, in accordance with the Idaho Code, once per week for two weeks prior to such offering. The Commission can designate property of limited value that should be donated, recycled or discarded.

The Port of Lewiston shall receive sealed bids at the Port District Office, either hand delivered of by United States Mail or other physical delivery methods at 1626 6th Ave. North, Lewiston, Idaho 83501, by the advertised date and time to be read out loud in an open setting for determination of the highest responsible bidder for each advertised item. Should an offer be equal to another offer, the Port of Lewiston shall sell the item to the first equal offer received at the Port District office. Should an offer be incomplete, the Port of Lewiston may decline such offer and convey the item to the next highest offer, and continue in like manner, until a complete offer is identified.

The highest bidder shall pay in full to the Port of Lewiston and take possession of the item within five (5) business days after the award date; failure to pay in full shall be deemed a forfeit of the offer and the Port of Lewiston may offer the item to the next highest bidder, in like manner, for payment in full.

Any extension needed to take possession of the item shall be made in advance with the Port of Lewiston Manager, or the alternative contact designated in the advertisement. Failure to take possession within five (5) business days after the award date shall be deemed a forfeit of the offer. The Port of Lewiston shall return any funds received and offer the item to the second highest bidder.

Should there be no offer received for an advertised item or a responsible bidder identified, the Port of Lewiston may, at its discretion, re-advertise the item to the public, or donate the item to an appropriate local charity or dispose of the item.


Adopted February 11, 2021

Disposal of Surplus Property Policy

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