Port Leaders Welcome Wheat Team from China, June 22, 2017, POL

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Chinese buyers are the third international team to visit Lewiston this summer to learn about local wheat

June 22, 2017

CONTACT: David Doeringsfeld, Port of Lewiston Manager
(208) 743-5531
[email protected]

(Lewiston, ID) – Idaho wheat growers will help host a Chinese wheat team here from June 25-28. The ten-member team is sponsored by U.S. Wheat Associates, working on behalf of Idaho wheat growers.  Team members are part of a selected group of top Chinese buyers to participate in a Contracting For Wheat Value (CFWV) workshop hosted by Portland, Oregon-based Wheat Marketing Center (WMC).

While in Lewiston, the team will be provided a tour of Lewis-Clark Terminal and Columbia Grain on Monday, June 26. The team will also visit Idaho wheat grower and Commissioner Bill Flory’s farm in Winchester, Idaho.  The team will learn about cropping systems and wheat quality during their farm tour.  

“Our goal is to showcase Idaho’s wheat production, and the care taken by farmers to deliver a safe, healthy product using environmentally sustainable production practices,” said Flory. 

During their visit, the Chinese team will learn more about the Pacific Northwest’s highly developed supply chain and inland logistics that make on-time delivery possible at competitive prices. The Pacific Northwest is a major wheat exporting region because of the competitive modes of transportation that move grain to market.  Approximately 60 percent of Idaho and Washington wheat is shipped by barge utilizing the Columbia Snake River System.

The team will also learn more about Idaho’s wheat varieties at the Parker Farm Field Day on Tuesday, June 27.  After the field day, the team will meet with the University of Idaho’s Molecular Geneticist Dr. Daolin Fu. 

Last year, China was the fourth largest buyer of U.S. wheat.

The Chinese team is the third international team to visit Lewiston this summer. Earlier this month, wheat purchasing teams from Taiwan and Chile took part in similar tours to learn about our region’s wheat.

Port of Lewiston Commission President Mike Thomason said the response from international visitors is positive.

“I have received a few follow-up notes already thanking us for the opportunity to visit and tour local facilities and commenting on the effectiveness of our region’s grain delivery system,” said Thomason.

Media professionals interested in attending part or all of the tour can contact Tereasa Waterman of the Idaho Wheat Commission at (208) 334-2353 or [email protected]. To learn more about the tour and the wheat purchasing team from China, please see the attached press release from the Idaho Wheat Commission.


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